• Clearing a path
  • Always ready
  • Advanced Life Support skills
  • Promoting Paramedics

News & Events

Advantages of working with North City as your Insurance Broker

North City - Protecting Those Who Protect Us

North City Insurance Brokers has serviced Ontario’s First Responders’ insurance needs for over 40 years.

Thousands of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers have trusted North City’s brokers to provide your community the best insurance coverage, advice, and service, with savings of up to 40%!

We are proudly the only insurance brokerage in Ontario that is recognized and validated by the OPA’s Paramedic Seal Program.

Paramedic Medical Malpractice (Professional Liability) Insurance

The profession of paramedicine is rapidly evolving. Paramedics are providing more invasive skills and procedures than ever before, under an expanded Scope of Practice, while also working within an increasingly litigious environment.

Paramedics may be unaware they are not covered or protected in many contexts of health care and may be held personally liable.

Coverage across Canada for $69

Get yourself $5M in nation-wide Medical Malpractice (Professional Liability) coverage in under 5 minutes for only $69/year. 

Paramedic Legal Protection

Paramedic Legal Protection is provided by North City Insurance Brokers and is included with any OPA memberships stating "with Legal Protection" and includes the following:

  • Legal Helpline (Unlimited)
  • Legal Defence ($100,000)
  • Drivers License Protection ($100,000)
  • Employment Disputes ($100,000)
  • Contract Disputes ($100,000)
  • Bodily Injury ($100,000)
  • Obtaining Statutory Accident Benefits from your Automobile Insurer ($100,000)
  • Fault Determination & Total Loss Valuation Disputes ($100,000)
  • Property Protection ($100,000)
  • Tenancy Disputes ($100,000)
  • Tax Protection ($100,000)
  • Legal Document Review (12 per year)
  • Simple Legal Letter Drafting (12 per year)
  • Legal Document Centre

NOTE: Aggregate limit per annual period ($500,000)

Elevating out-of-hospital care: The impact of ventilation feedback technology

This opportunity is designed for paramedics and paramedic services who are interested in learning about the X Series® Advanced monitor / defibrillator and real-time ventilation feedback through use of the Real BVM Help® dashboard and AccuVent™ technology. 

You are invited to join ZOLL® for a live webinar:

What if half our paramedics left their profession due to mental health challenges?

What if half our paramedics left their professions due to mental health challenges?

We teeter on the edge of this stark reality — one that jeopardizes our emergency services and public safety personnel. Yet, within this tipping point lies promise, and PSHSA is making strides with two significant initiatives: Radius, a job-based psychological risk assessment, and the Enabling Mental Illness Prevention in First Responder Workplaces project.

Unlock exclusive savings of up to 40% with Co-operators!

As a member of Ontario Paramedic Association, you can access exclusive savings on home and auto insurance. Switching is easy, and the savings are big. Discover how much you can save on your insurance today.

Call 1-800-387-1963 to speak with a licensed insurance representative. Or get a quote and buy online!

Exclusive Insurance Discounts and Grand Group Giveaway with BrokerLink!

We have partnered with BrokerLink to offer an exclusive group insurance program to OPA members at chapters across Ontario.

Get a quote online or call 1.833.998.3798 to talk to a group insurance advisor today.

CME INVITE - Intimate Partner Violence

Paramedics are the initial contact with healthcare and pivotal in treating & supporting survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). 

With 1 in 3 women facing violence from intimate partners, learn how paramedics can reduce the risk of further violence & death.

Find out what the OPA is doing to improve patient outcomes.

OPA Annual General Meeting

The OPA Annual General Meeting will be January 16, 2025 (12:00PM - 4:00PM)

Only Full Paramedic Members in good standing are permitted to be present

Very important! Please help paramedics save lives with AEDs.

Is your workplace, gym, recreation centre, shopping mall or favourite business equipped with an AED? 

Ontario paramedics respond to 1.75 million emergency calls each year and the public has a key role in helping paramedics save lives with AEDs. Paramedics across Ontario want the public and businesses to help us build "heart safe communities" through the installation, training and registration of AEDs.

When the public asks about more information on purchasing AEDs, paramedics across Canada recommend contacting AED.ca, Canada’s AED Company. Click here to learn more about AEDs.

Principles to Guide the Future of Paramedicine in Canada

W. Tavares, PhD; A. Allana, BSc; L. Beaune, MSW; D. Weiss, MA; I. Blanchard, PhD

Paramedicine in Canada has experienced significant growth in recent years, which has resulted in a misalignment between existing guiding conceptualizations and how the profession is structured and enacted in practice. 

As a result, well-established boundaries, directions, and priorities may be poorly aligned with existing frameworks. The objective of this study was to explore emerging and future states of paramedicine in Canada such that guiding principles could be derived. 

We asked: How should paramedicine be conceptualized and enacted in Canada going forward, and, what might be the necessary enablers?

Ontario Paramedics save 25% at Mark's

Many paramedic services issue boot allowances.

Ontario Paramedics can take advantage of 25% off from Dec 1 to Dec 7, 2024 on regular priced merchandise throughout the store. 

Make sure your hard working paramedic feet are warm and dry this winter and head to Mark's.

Paramedics get an extra 10% off at GEAppliances.ca

At GE Appliances Canada, we recognize the hard work of our frontline heroes, and as a small way of saying “thank you” for all that you do, we are pleased to offer OPA members an exclusive discount.

Paramedics get an extra 10% off at GEAppliances.ca on this new Paramedic Perk that has been set up exclusively for OPA members.

Paramedics and Personal Injury: Navigating Injuries in the Workplace and Beyond

Most paramedics are not adequately trained to know what their legal rights are when injured by a patient, a bystander, a dog bite, a collision, an incident on unsafe property, or even a devastating career-ending mishap. 

Paramedics can experience a high rate of workplace injuries, with conservative estimates ranging from 29.7 to 345.6 injuries per 1,000 workers per year.

The OPA will be hosting an online presentation Friday November 22 (1300-1500hrs) with Alexandra McCallum, Personal Injury Lawyer who will provide valuable information on your legal rights when workplace injuries occur.

Learn how to identify potentially morally injurious events

Read case studies on how moral injury can manifest for different public safety personnel roles, learn what posttraumatic stress injuries are, coping strategies and how to support yourself when a loved one is struggling.

OPA Honours & Decorations Ceremony

Each year, the OPA Nominations Committee has a responsibility to review all nominations before each is ascended for official Honours and Decorations. 

The OPA proudly receives many nominations each year and we are always impressed by the aptitude and selflessness of so paramedics across Ontario.

More information about the OPA's Honours & Decorations Ceremony is available on our website.

The Personal Insurance

Enjoy access to exclusive home and auto insurance savings

With so many insurance options, it can be hard to find the right fit. So, why not enjoy exclusive advantages with The Personal* – a trusted partner of OPA?

King Charles III Coronation Medal

The Coronation Medal was created to mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

This year, 30,000 deserving individuals will be recognized for their contributions to Canada or to a particular province, territory or community, or for their outstanding achievement abroad that has brought great credit to our country. 

To nominate a paramedic for the King Charles III Coronation Medal, paramedics must login to your member account and proceed to the menu "Member Benefits / OPA Award Nominations". 

Primary Care Paramedic – BizTech College

Fasttrack diploma program that offers 500 hours of clinical placements with comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for Provincial certification- A-EMCA.

50% off lens upgrades for OPA Members

Paramedics are Canada's #1 most trusted and respected profession!

Specsavers is taking care of paramedic eyesight so we can focus on taking care of communities. OPA members can choose from lenses that are thinner and lighter, anti-reflective, or with enhanced sun protection.

Stop Violence Against Paramedics

The OPA supports an Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against health care professionals and first responders) in an effort to stop violence against paramedics.

There needs to be significant consequences when helpers, such as first responders, are hurt by violence.

Paramedics Perks

Did you know OPA members have access to dozens of businesses across Ontario offering deals and discounts to paramedics?

Log into your chapter website and click "Paramedic Perks" to find out how to save hundreds of dollars per year.

Is your student ready for the Paramedic Lift Test?

Is your student ready for the Paramedic Lift Test?

Paramedic services are hiring! Start your own customized conditioning program now so you can be prepared to pass any Paramedic Lift Test. 

Contact 911 Prep Academy to get started - our team wants you to be successful. 

New! Choose Your Dues

Starting Jan 01, 2024, we introduced "Choose Your Dues" in an effort to give our members more choices and better value.

New! Paramedic Colouring Books & Brochures

You can order customized Activity Books for your paramedic service that include your company logo. 

The OPA would like to thank PCP Taylor McNeely (artwork) and Superintendent Dan Archambault (translation) for their effort in helping us launch the OPA's new colouring books and 3-fold brochures.

Canadian Paramedicine Magazine

Your membership includes free access to our bimonthly magazine that keeps paramedics connected across Canada with articles, research and paramedic news.

A Wine Made With Thanks

The Ontario Paramedic Association would like to thank Megalomaniac Wines for supporting the resiliency of health care workers, firefighters and paramedics with their Much Obliged line of fine wines available at all LCBO locations.

Free Tickets to Canada's Wonderland

The OPA would like to thank Canada's Wonderland for providing 500 free tickets to our members and their families throughout the month of June. 

This was being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis during #ParamedicWeek. 

UPDATE: The deadline has passed and this program is now closed.

Brighter Sight is looking for paramedic insights

Brighter Sight is developing a system to bring wearable devices (smart watches & smart glasses) to paramedics. 

Brighter Sight would like your opinions on their application via an interactive, on-line session (you'll need a laptop), lasting about an hour. 

You will be compensated for your time. Interested? Click to find out more.

DEADLINE: March 3, 2022

Ontario Paramedic Wanted for TV Commercial

The OPA has been asked to coordinate a casting-call for a new TV commercial:

  • Must be a certified paramedic (PCP, ACP or CCP)
  • Between the ages of 25-45 (as requested by client)
  • Bilingual (English and French)
  • Outgoing and comfortable being interviewed on camera 
  • No acting experience required
  • Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply

DEADLINE: June 4, 2021 at 12:00PM

OPA License Plate Rebates

Did you know OPA members at chapters across Ontario can get a rebate on Graphic License Plates?

1) Get OPA plates from Service Ontario 

2) Log into your member account 

3) Submit a license plate rebate

Each year, our first 50 members to submit a rebate will receive $40/each for putting a set of OPA graphic plates on your ride.

MEDIA RELEASE - Ontario Paramedics partner with Feed Ontario

The OPA is launching the #BankThePandemicPay initiative to assist food banks across Ontario with the resources required to continue being a vital lifeline for those in need. 

Eligible paramedics, who are working more than 100 hours per month are encouraged to donate their $250 per month lump sum pandemic premium to Feed Ontario.

This donation will play an integral role in getting food into the hands of Ontarians who need it most.

MEDIA RELEASE - Paramedics Essential to Ontario's Frontlines

It was recently announced that frontline workers would receive a “pandemic premium” for the next 16 weeks in light of COVID-19. The list of eligible frontline workers released on Friday April 24 did not include paramedics.

The Ontario Paramedic Association (OPA) is concerned this decision sends the wrong message to frontline healthcare workers that were excluded from the list.

Supporting the Health and Wellness of Paramedics and their Families During COVID - 19

Achieving a balance between rest, nutrition, movement and emotional health is important for the Paramedic and their loved ones to maintain in order to avoid physical and emotional depletion.  

The OPA Wellness Committee is working to bring you information to help support you and your family in this time of need.  

OPA - Thank you e-gift card from North City Insurance

From your friends at North City Insurance Brokers, we would like to thank you for your service, especially during these more challenging times. 

In recognition of your unwavering dedication and bravery, all paid OPA members have been sent a token of our gratitude - it's the least we could do! 

NOTE: Members who unsubscribed their email will not receive this offer.

Frontline Support for Ontario Paramedic Crews

Ontario Paramedics are facing unique challenges during COVID-19, so a variety of organizations are showing appreciation for the monumental risks Ontario Paramedics are taking each and every day. 

Community stakeholders see you, and want you to know that you matter.  

Firehouse Subs Feeds Ontario Paramedics Day

On Wednesday April 8th, Firehouse Subs franchisees are donating a box lunch to every Ontario Paramedic that visits our restaurants. Box lunches include a delicious sub, chips, cookie, and a pickle.

We kindly ask that you call your local restaurant 15 minutes in advance so they can have your order packed up and ready to go for you! 

*Please ensure that you have your uniform or OASIS ID with you to redeem

Update Your Personal Info

The OPA will be sending gift cards to support our members across Ontario. Your login email and mailing address must be up-to-date.

Please login at your chapter website and update your personal information today.

Click here for more info.

COVID-19 Important Updates

We have important information for paramedics on COVID-19.

Ontario Paramedics - Not Essential?

Ontario Paramedics are calling on government and our legislators to implement immediate change and declare paramedics an Essential Service pursuant to section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

Ontario Paramedic Wellness Committee

The OPA is seeking Full Paramedic Members to fill the positions of 1 Chair and 2 Committee members on the OPWC (Ontario Paramedic Wellness Committee). 

Join the OPA

Join your most forward-thinking colleagues and take control of your profession. Every voice counts.

OPA Response: EMS Vision Ontario 2050

In order to protect our patients and our profession, the current report EMS Vision Ontario 2050 must be rejected as the basis for any future direction or decisions.

OPA Reacts to Ontario Budget 2019

Ontario paramedics serve more than 1.1 million patients every year. By investing in measures to end hallway healthcare this will indirectly free-up paramedics to provide life-saving emergency services to Ontarians.

Every paramedic crew stuck in offload delay in overcrowded hospitals, means fewer highly-trained paramedics to respond to health emergencies.

Read the OPA's response to the Ontario 2019 Budget.

Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery

The Ontario Paramedic Association lobbied the provincial government to create an Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery. Read more:

Emergency Service Provider's Insurance Protection Act

What happens to your personal insurance if you have a collision while on-duty?

Police, paramedics and firefighters are protected from rate increases to their personal auto insurance under the Emergency Service Provider's Insurance Protection Act.

Free Ontario Paramedic Desktop Backgrounds

Download your free desktop backgrounds from the Ontario Paramedic Association.

New Offload Mitigation Strategy for 2019

The Ontario Paramedic Association is excited about a new offload mitigation strategy coming to emergency departments in 2019.

  1. All hospitals need to ensure their capacity is better matched to meet patient demand
  2. Hospitals need to stop relying on municipal paramedics to fill gaps in provincial healthcare
  3. Paramedics need to be in the community where patients with no access to healthcare need us most

Lululemon Emergency Responders Program

The Ontario Paramedic Association is proud to announce an amazing partnership for active emergency responders and forces members across Canada.  

Call 9-1-1 and chew two ASPIRIN® 81mg

PCP Janice Steele from the Ontario Paramedic Association is being featured on TV and large creative displays in the following locations beginning November 2018:

  • Walmart (national)
  • IDA (national)
  • Guardian (national)
  • Overwaitea Food Group (national)
  • Pharmasave (national)
  • Rexall (Ontario & Quebec)

Look out for this exciting initiative on TV or in store!

Paramedic PTSI and Suicide

At the closing ceremonies of the Paramedic Ride, OPA President Darryl Wilton delivered a speech on Parliament Hill to call attention to the barriers that continue to affect paramedics with PTSI and to also Honour those lost in the line-of-duty and by suicide.

New! Paramedic Postage Stamps

The Ontario Paramedic Association would like to thank Canada Post for producing a first-responder series of postage stamps featuring paramedics from across Canada.

OPA Provincial Election Platform

The Ontario Paramedic Association (OPA) has taken stock of the major parties' platforms.

  1. Paramedics need to be Essential
  2. Investments in Community Paramedicine
  3. Line of Duty Death (L.O.D.D.) Benefit Provincial Legislation
  4. Paramedic Self-Regulation

Memorial Grant Program

The Memorial Grant Program for Line of Duty Deaths, Critical Illness and PTSD for Public Safety Occupations will ensure surviving spouses or immediate family members receive a $300,000.00 tax-free federal bursary that is separate from insurance payouts or benefits.

Federal Budget 2018

Find out how the Ontario Paramedic Association supports legislation and resources that enhance patient care.

Ontario Paramedics on the Marilyn Denis Show

Winter is coming which makes it a great time to familiarize yourself with the signs of a heart attack. This is especially important for women, as their signs are less typical, and can vary from woman to woman.

OPA Featured in National ASPIRIN 81mg Medifacts Commercial

Communications Officers & Paramedics want patients to “call 9-1-1 and chew two ASPIRIN® 81mg in the event of a Heart Attack".

Ontario Enhancing Emergency Services

The OPA responds to Minister Eric Hoskins announcement "Ontario Enhancing Emergency Services Across the Province"

National Opioid Crisis and Naloxone Availability

The OPA would like to collaborate with the Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs (OAPC) in order to adequately address the presence of emerging synthetic opioids such Fentanyl and Carfentanil. Our goal is to achieve some alignment with regards to the amount of Naloxone that is carried on paramedic units across Ontario in order to benefit patients and protect our valued emergency responders

Naloxone Administration for Paramedics

The Ontario Paramedic Association respectfully recommended the Medical Advisory Committee of the Ontario Base Hospital Group considers the following changes to the ALSPCS (Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards) medical directives with regards to Naloxone Administration for Paramedics.

Expanding Medical Response in Ontario

Fire-medics are expensive, unsafe and do not improve patient outcomes.

Ontario's Paramedics Welcome Expansion of Community Paramedicine Programs

January 21, 2014 - Toronto, ON - Today's announcement by the Hon. Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to expand community paramedicine programs is welcome news to Paramedics across the province.

Proclaim May 01 Ontario First Responders Day

On Thursday, September 27th, MPP Frank Klees brought forward a Private Member's Bill entitled, An Act to Proclaim May 1st as First Responders Day in Ontario.

Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery

"Paramedics go above and beyond in the service of others every day across Ontario. They are key players in our first line of response along with police and firefighters - saving lives and protecting Ontario families. This award will recognize those paramedics who display extraordinary courage." - Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Find out what being a paramedic is really like

Writer Chris Jones (Esquire Magazine) took a two week crash-course in paramedicine and then jumped in a real ambulance with Advanced Care Paramedic Darryl Wilton.

As the two roll through the streets together in Wilton's first response unit and respond to real 9-1-1 calls, a raw and unfiltered story unfolds, providing a rarely seen glimpse into exactly what it is like to be a paramedic.

Paramedics Assaulted on the Job

Make it a mandatory indictable offence to assault a paramedic.



Ontario Paramedic Association

  • 1 Dundas Street West (Suite 2500)
    Toronto ON M5G 1Z3